Member Login

Create Account

Click the “Create Account” button below to set up your Equiant username and password. This login is separate from the one you use to sign into, and it gives you access to view your loan balance, make payments and manage your payment methods. Remember — to protect your information — you’ll be asked to login each time you access this site.

Forgot Password

If you have forgotten your password please enter your username on the field below to have a new password emailed to your account. If you have forgotten your username please contact us to help you reset your account.

Forgot UserName

If you have forgotten your User Name please enter your email address on the field below to have your user name emailed to your account.

Tax Documents

1098 Interest Paid tax documents are mailed out by January 31st. If it was required for us to generate a 1098 form for your loan account you may access a copy of it through your online account. Once you have logged in go to the Reports menu and click eStatements.

Consumer Central Introduction Videos